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Ruled by the planet of war, Mars, both Aries and Scorpio share many similarities that create a fiery bond between them. But what happens when two of the most dominant and independent signs get together? 1
Want to know how to get an Aries to chase you? Read our Aries compatibility guide for a fiery and passionate connection.
Will their explosive chemistry lead to a constant power struggle or will they balance each other out? Let’s find out in our comprehensive guide on Aries and Scorpio compatibility.
Unlock the secrets to a Scorpio’s heart in this Scorpio compatibility guide — filled with insights on how to make the mysterious Scorpio fall head over heels in love with you.
1. Aries man and a Scorpio woman

An Aries man, in nature, is a passionate and spontaneous person who is always up for a good time. He’s enthusiastic, but can also be quite short-tempered which can lead to some heated arguments. 2
A Scorpio woman is determined, loyal, and ambitious. She can be quite jealous, and dominating in relationships. 2
Differences and similarities
While both Aries & Scorpio are determined and ambitious, their approach towards life is different. Aries are more carefree and act impulsively, while Scorpios are all about strategy and planning. 1
But these two signs share a passion for relationships. The duo’s intense nature leads to an exciting sex life but can also create conflicts if not controlled.
The Aries man is much more spontaneous than the Scorpio woman, who is very meticulous in her planning. The Aries man will be more direct in his approach while the Scorpio woman will be more subtle.
How do they get along in a relationship?
Despite having Martian influence, Aries and Scorpio form an interesting partnership. They are both fiercely independent and can be possessive of each other, leading to conflicts now and then. 1
Aries is a fire sign and Scorpio is a water sign, so they may face difficulties in communicating their feelings to each other. The Aries man needs to be careful in coming across as too bossy or aggressive, as this may trigger an unexpected reaction from the Scorpio woman.
The energy behind this relationship is intense, filled with passion and drive. Both Aries and Scorpio crave excitement in a relationship, and they definitely find it when together. 3
2. Aries woman and a Scorpio man

Ardent and thorough original, an Aries woman is a go-getter who dives into everything headfirst. She can be self-centered and inconsiderate of others’ feelings at times, which can affect her relationships. 1
A Scorpio man is vibrant, magnetic, and intensely focused. He can be possessive, territorial, and unforgiving. 1
Differences and similarities
These two signs share a strong sense of independence, but their approach towards life is different. Aries women are go-getters and act on impulse, while Scorpio men are calculated and strategic in their decision-making process.
This makes for an interesting dynamic as they can learn a lot from each other. An Aries woman can teach a Scorpio man to be more spontaneous and not overthink things, while a Scorpio man can help an Aries woman channel her energy into a well-thought-out plan. 3
Another difference between an Aries woman and a Scorpio man is that an Aries woman is very competitive, while a Scorpio man is very vengeful. This can lead to conflicts because the Scorpio man may feel like the Aries woman is always trying to beat him, while the Aries woman may feel like the Scorpio man is always trying to get revenge on her.
How do they get along in a relationship?
The chemistry between these two signs is undeniable. A powerful attraction is what brings them together, and their relationship is filled with passion and intensity.
However, there may be moments of conflict as both signs have strong personalities and can be possessive of each other.
The Aries woman will need to understand the Scorpio man’s need for privacy and respect his boundaries. On the other hand, the Scorpio man will need to give the Aries woman space to be her independent and spontaneous self.
Because they’re both Mars-ruled signs, a strong sexual connection is inevitable. So, despite their differences, this relationship has a lot of potential for long-term success. They both share a fierce loyalty and dedication to their partners, making them an unstoppable team. 1
3. Aries man and a Scorpio man

Ambitious and aggressive, an Aries man is a dynamic force who loves to take charge. He can be impulsive, and selfish and may have a hard time compromising in relationships. 4
A Scorpio man is perceptive, sensual, and knows how to charm his way into anyone’s heart. He can be controlling and manipulative, which may create conflicts in relationships. 1
Differences and similarities
Both Aries and Scorpio men are strong-willed individuals who know what they want in life. However, their methods of achieving it differ. While an Aries man tackles things head-on, a Scorpio man is more strategic and reserved.
Their strong personalities can lead to intense clashes. The good news is that they share a strong sexual chemistry, which can help them overcome any differences.
How do they get along in a relationship?
The Aries man and Scorpio man have the potential to form a powerful and dynamic duo. Their shared determination and ambition make them unstoppable when working towards a common goal.
Because both men tend to be stubborn, there may be conflicts in the relationship. However, their strong sexual connection and loyalty to each other can help them overcome any challenges. 3
To make this relationship work, both men will need to learn how to compromise and communicate effectively with each other. They should also express appreciation for each other’s strengths and give each other space when needed.
4. Aries woman and a Scorpio woman

An Aries woman is audacious, imaginative, and a pioneer. She can be combative and may have a hard time understanding others’ perspectives. 4
A Scorpio woman is secretive, observant, and insightful. She can be vengeful, spiteful, and manipulative when feeling threatened. 1
Differences and similarities
Both Aries and Scorpio women are strong, independent individuals who can hold their own in any situation. They also share a passion for life and crave excitement in relationships.
These two will match each other’s energy, whether that’s in a heated argument or a passionate embrace. They may struggle with control issues, as both signs have dominant personalities and can be possessive of each other.
How do they get along in a relationship?
Electrifying and powerful, the relationship between an Aries woman and a Scorpio woman is filled with passion and intensity. As both signs are ruled by Mars, they have a strong sexual chemistry that can bring them closer together.
This shared energy also helps them understand each other’s desires and needs in the relationship. Because they’re both women, they will both know and understand what it’s like to navigate the world as a woman with a strong personality. 3
If they don’t let their possessiveness and need for control get in the way, this relationship has the potential to be a fiery and fulfilling partnership. Don’t let competitiveness get in the way, and this dynamic duo can conquer anything together.
How to keep the spark alive in an Aries-Scorpio relationship
If you’re in an Aries-Scorpio relationship, you know that it can be intense, passionate, and amazing. But with all that passion and intensity, it can also be easy for the spark to die out.
Here are a few tips to help you make your relationship work.
1. Understand the unique dynamics of this relationship
Both Aries and the Scorpio are very passionate individuals with strong personalities. Aries are impulsive and fiery, while Scorpios are more strategic and reserved.
These two signs may need to understand that each other’s approach to life and relationships is different, but both are equally valid. Aries can learn to slow down and think things through, while Scorpios can learn to embrace spontaneity.
2. Start projects together
One of the best way to keep the spark alive in an Aries-Scorpio relationship is to work on projects together. Both signs have a strong desire for success and are ambitious, making them perfectly suited to work together towards a common goal.
Scorpio can bring their strategic thinking to the table while Aries can provide the energy and motivation needed to see things through. Working together can also help them learn how to compromise and communicate effectively. 3
3. Keep the passion alive in the bedroom
Aries and Scorpio have an intense sexual connection that can keep their relationship sizzling. They should make an effort to keep the passion alive in the bedroom, trying new things and keeping things exciting.
Use this intensity to your advantage and explore each other’s desires and fantasies. This will not only keep things physically exciting but also help strengthen the emotional bond between the two of you.
4. Give each other space
One of these signs often has a tendency to be possessive and controlling in relationships. This can lead to conflicts and resentment if not addressed.
To avoid this, both partners should make an effort to give each other space when needed. Trust is essential in any relationship, and giving each other space can help build that trust.
Frequently asked questions about the Aries-Scorpio compatibility
1. What are the main characteristics of Aries and Scorpio personalities that make them compatible or incompatible signs?
The main characteristics of Aries and Scorpio that make them compatible are their passion, ambition, and determination. They both have a strong desire for success and can push each other to achieve their goals.
However, their stubbornness and need for control can also cause conflicts in the relationship. Learning how to compromise and communicate effectively is essential for making this relationship work.
2. How can Aries and Scorpios best work together to maintain a healthy relationship?
Aries and Scorpios can best work together by understanding and respecting each other’s differences and strengths. They should also make an effort to communicate openly and give each other space when needed.
They can also keep the passion alive in their relationship by working on projects together, keeping things exciting in the bedroom, and supporting each other’s ambitions.
3. What should Aries and Scorpios avoid doing in order to prevent any problems in their relationship?
Aries and Scorpios should avoid being overly possessive or controlling in their relationship. This can lead to conflicts and resentment. They should also be mindful of their competitive nature and not let it get in the way of their love for each other.
Communication is key, so they should also avoid bottling up their emotions and communicate openly about any issues that may arise in their relationship. You can also start journaling as a couple if you feel that talking may be too confrontational at first.
4. What is the potential for success of an Aries-Scorpio love match?
The potential for success of an Aries-Scorpio love match is high, as both signs are passionate and loyal. If they can learn to accept their differences, they have a good chance of having a successful relationship.
If you’re in an Aries-Scorpio relationship, you know that it can be intense, passionate, and always exciting. This is because both of these signs are ruled by Mars, the planet of passion and energy, which also applies to their life in the bedroom together and their physical attraction for one another. When these two signs come together, it can be a powerful mix.
5. Will an Aries-Scorpio relationship be long-lasting?
An Aries-Scorpio relationship can be long-lasting if both partners are able to accept their differences and are willing to work together. Their shared passion and determination can help them overcome any challenges that may arise.
However, it’s important for both partners to continually work on communication and maintaining the spark in their relationship. As long as they are both committed to making it work, there is a good chance of having a lasting and fulfilling partnership.
The definitive guide to astrology: Books for beginners and experts
If you’re interested in astrology, you’ll love these books! These titles take various approaches to the topic, giving you a well-rounded understanding of this ancient practice. From beginner guides to in-depth looks at specific aspects of astrology, these books have something for everyone.
- The Astrology of You and Me: How to Understand and Improve Every Relationship in Your Life
- Queer Cosmos: The Astrology of Queer Identities & Relationships
- Aspects in Astrology: A Guide to Understanding Planetary Relationships in the Horoscope
- The Complete Guide to Astrology: Understanding Yourself, Your Signs, and Your Birth Chart
- The Astrology of Love, Sex & Attraction: Explore Your Passion and Sexuality and Unlock the Secrets of your Heart
Orion, R. (2007). Astrology For Dummies (2nd ed.). For Dummies. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎
Goldschneider, G., & Chew, C. (2018). The Astrology of You and Me: How to Understand and Improve Every Relationship in Your Life (Reissue ed.). Quirk Books. amazon.com ↩︎ ↩︎
Clifford, F. C., & Graham, F. (2021). The Astrology of Love, Sex and Attraction: Explore Your Passion and Sexuality and Unlock the Secrets of Your Heart. FLARE. amazon.com ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎
Gillett, R. (2017). The Secret Language of Astrology: The Illustrated Key to Unlocking the Secrets of the Stars (Illustrated ed.). Watkins Publishing. ↩︎ ↩︎